

At the Meeting of the Ministerial Council, Member States elect a chair (a fellow Member State) from amongst the 25 states represented on the Ministerial Council, and the work programme for the year is set. The Ministerial Council meets once annually and in Extraordinary Session as necessary. The Council’s Agenda is established by an Intersessional Meeting comprising Members’s accredited Senior Officials . There are preparatory meetings that precede the “Ministerial” also attended by Senior officials of Member States

The 29th Meeting of the ACS Ministerial Council is scheduled to take place on May 9, 2024, at the Hotel Torarica located in Paramaribo, Suriname. ACS Members and Associates can sign up by clicking here.

The Ministerial Council

This is the main governing body of the ACS, which sets out the policies to be provided for in the Articles establishing the ACS and in the Declarations of the Heads of State. Its functions include monitoring the operation of the Secretariat; appointing the Secretary General; forming Special Committees; deciding on matters of membership; convening Summits, and approving work plans and budgets, amongst other responsibilities. It holds an Annual Ordinary Meeting. The Board (consisting of a President, two Vice Presidents and a Rapporteur each nominated from a different geographic sub-group of the ACS) guides and monitors the implementation of the work program.

The ACS Ministerial Council is presently constituted as follows


Dominican Republic






Draft Agenda

Thursday 9 May, 2024

Hotel Torarica - Paramaribo, Republic of Suriname

08:30 – 08:45

Arrival of Participants

08:45 – 08:50

  • Arrival Minister BIBIS
  • Arrival Secretaries General
  • Arrival Ministers and other Heads of Delegations
  • Arrival Ministers


Opening Ceremony
  • Arrival President of the Republic of Suriname
  • H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi
  • National Anthem –  Ms. Sara Adam


  • Welcome by MC,  Mrs. Jasmien Wijngaarde -Lijkwan

09:04 – 09:09

  • Remarks by The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation Suriname and Chair of the ACS Ministerial
    Council,  H.E. Albert R. Ramdin

09:10 – 09:15

  • Remarks by The Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States
    (ACS), H.E. Rodolfo Sabonge

09:16 – 09:18

  • Cultural Performance

09:19 – 09:29

  • Speech by the President of the Republic of Suriname, H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi


2. Official Photo

Observers, Special Guests and Members of the Press are invited to exit the room.

9:50 – 18:00

3. Closed session


Observers, Special Guests and Members of the Press are invited to return to the room.

18:00 – 18:15

4. Closing Ceremony

The Chair will invite brief remarks from the Representatives of thos countries and organisations whose requests for membership of the ACS have been approved by the Council.

The Chair will welcome the incoming Chair of the Executive Board of the Ministerial Council and invite the latter to deliver short remarks before formally closing the meeting.

18:15 – 19:00

5. Press Conference

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