The Preparatory Meeting for the Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Council is a key preliminary meeting preceding the annual Ministerial Council Meeting. This meeting is convened to meticulously organise and coordinate the agenda, ensuring that the subsequent ministerial session runs smoothly and efficiently.
Draft Agenda
Wednesday 8 May, 2024
Hotel Torarica - Paramaribo, Suriname
9:00 – 9:20
Registration of Participants
9:20 – 9:45
1. Welcome Remarks by the President of the Ministerial Council
The Representative of the Chairman of the Ministerial Council of the ACS, will open the Meeting.
2. Opening Remarks by the Secretary General of the ACS
H.E. Rodolfo Sabonge, Secretary General of the ACS.
9:45 – 17:25
3. Closed session
17:25 – 17:35
4. Closure of the meeting
The Chairman of the Ministerial Council will present a summary of the decisions of the meeting before inviting the Secretary General of the ACS to make brief closing remarks.
The Chairman will formally close the meeting.
17:35 – 17:45